

social media audit

Social Media Audit

You know how important Social Media is - but can't quite get your head around it? Allow us to take you through the Social Media maze and prove you right.

Why not start with our data driven Social Media Audit where we will provide you with a report on the current state of your Social Media Activities including your follower profiles and demographics.

We will also give you some strategy pointers and throw in some competitor feedback.

social media strategy

Social Media Strategy

We know how frustrating it is when you can't seem to get people to know how good your product is or about you. If only they'd try you once - you know they'll be hooked. Wondering how to get the followers genuinely interested in you and your product - for the right reasons?

At Mave Social we show you how to build an engaged online community (and its not about the number of followers) who you can resonate with and they can resonate with your product or service. Try us - get in touch.


Social Media Setup

Social Media is just not your thing! You are a business owner/artist/doer - you like all things that you can touch and feel. This need for virtual relationship with the customers eludes you.

We can set up your social media accounts for you. We can help you set up easy processes for updating your channels on an ongoing basis.